Power With

If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together………..Aboriginal Activist Group, Queensland 1970s

We can mistakenly think that being compassionate is just about understanding/helping other people.

What often happens, even with our best intensions in mind, is that we end up taking on a role of power, creating a dynamic of being the saviour, the fixer, the one to be dependent on.

Though this role may feel empowering, it often perpetuates a sense of helpless, dependence, even emotional/psychological enslavement.

What if we took the approach of power with, wherein respect, mutual support, solidarity, and collaborative decision making becomes the modus operandi.

How would that change the way you respond and see people?

How would your approach change if you didn't think in terms of us or them, but rather the collective we?

Below are the links to my Instagram account and the dedicated Facebook group, and feel free to share your answers/comments.

Private FaceBook Group + Instagram